3 November 2014

Grids used for Narrative Textual Analysis

The link to the presentation is HERE. You don't need to make a copy - just copy and paste the relevant grids when you need to.

13 October 2014

Scott Pilgrim Quiz.

Scott Pilgrim Quiz * 

  1. Who wrote the Scott Pilgrim books?
  2. What is the name of the first book?
  3. Where is the story set?
  4. What is the name of Scott’s Band?
  5. Who is the bandleader?
  6. What is the name of the drummer?
  7. Who is Scott’s first girlfriend in the book?
  8. Who does Scott dream about?
  9. What patch does Scott have on his jacket?
  10. How does Ramona get about so quickly?
  11. Who does Ramona work for?
  12. How many evil exes are there?
  13. What do Scott and Ramona play on during their first date?
  14. Who is the first evil ex?
  15. Where are Scott’s parents?
  16. How many beds does Scott have in his apartment?
  17. Who is Scott’s roommate?
  18. Which band play before Scott’s at the gig?
  19. How much money did the first evil ex leave?
  20. How old is Scott?                       /20

Comics Terms - Set 1

Revise Comics Terms Set 1 for a test on Wednesday, period 3.

30 January 2014

Scott Pilgrim PDF

You can download a PDF file of the whole book HERE.  (right-click, 'Download linked file').
Screengrab (cmd-shift-4) to add images to your presentation.